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Photo by Elina Fairytale on Pexels.com

hundreds of intimate hygiene washes in the markets that guarantee to keep your private parts healthy and smell-free. Before you…


Why not make it your own? It is very easy, very cheap and contains no chemicals. All you need is baking soda. This magical white powder will help you fight genital infections and keep your genitals odor free.

A woman’s private space is slightly acidic, with a pH level between 3.5-4.5. When the level rises or falls, problems arise. Some problems that result from imbalanced pH levels include: excessive vaginal discharge, yeast infections, itching, bad breath and painful sex. Baking soda can help restore pH balance because it is alkaline. When an alkaline substance is mixed with an acidic substance, it neutralizes it. This means that when you use baking soda to wash your genitals, the baking soda will raise the pH of the genital area to a very good level.

Here’s how to use baking soda to improve reproductive health:

  1. Wash sensitive parts
    Mix some warm water and two tablespoons of baking soda in a cup. Clean the entire surrounding area with the mixture. After cleaning individual parts with the mixture, rinse them again with water and dry them.
  2. Bath salts
    Add half a cup of baking soda to a bucket filled with hot water. Pour the mixture into the bathtub and soak the lower part of the body in it for at least 20 minutes. Shower and dry off.
  3. After menstruation
    The pH level of menstrual blood is 7.5, which makes the area dry and itchy. Always rinse your skin with baking soda after your period to restore pH balance.
  4. Hormonal changes
    Menopause and other health problems affect the pH balance of your organs. Baking soda can really help here.
  5. If you have bad breath and itching
    This could mean you have a yeast infection. Use a baking soda solution to reduce the problem. Sometimes it can indicate a serious problem in women that needs to be examined by a specialist.

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