How To Stop Snoring Naturally With These 12 Simple Methods

This may sound a bit strange, but it is true. Snoring can kill you. Well, maybe not immediately, but over time, definitely. For one thing, snoring can disrupt your sleep or prevent you from getting the quality sleep you need. When you get into a routine of not getting the sleep you need, it can result in all kinds of health problems later on. These health problems, for example heart disease, can ultimately shorten your life.

more serious type of breathing disorder called sleep apnea. Simply put, you snore so badly that your airway is completely blocked while you sleep. When your airways are blocked, your breathing stops and your brain is deprived of oxygen, prompting your brain to tell you to move, wake up, or breathe deeply. Also, it affects the quality of your sleep and after sitting like this for a long time, it can lead to health problems.

Let me share with you a real life story to further illustrate how dangerous it can be. When we were kids, my grandfather took my brother and I camping several times every summer. We always tried to sleep before he fell asleep. If we didn’t, we knew it would be hard to sleep listening to his moans and groans. I remember many nights when my brother and I would laugh and bet on how long he would last.

It’s not so fun anymore. To summarize, my grandfather had three heart attacks before he was 55 years old and was not diagnosed with sleep problems until he was 10 years old. 65. By then it was too late. The doctor said that the damage has been done and that not sleeping well can cause heart problems. He died of a heart attack 7 years later. Could his life last longer? I certainly think so.

So how do we stop crying? If you are concerned that you have the symptoms of shortness of breath described above, see a doctor. They can read your sleep and give you a CPAP mask to sleep on so you can get enough air throughout the night. If you want to stop snoring, even if you have insomnia, these natural remedies can help.

  1. Weight/Exercise
    A major cause of obesity is weight. When you are overweight, your muscles and tendons become loose, even in your neck. When your throat rests at night, extra tissue blocks the airway. The result is a groan.

If you know you are overweight, don’t try to lose weight. Lost!

Losing just 10 percent of your body weight can reduce or even cure your respiratory symptoms! This is a good example. When my weight reached 215 kg, my wife started complaining about my ugliness. I lost 25 pounds. And now I’m not complaining at all, he says.

  1. Humidity
    The air in your room may be dry. If you think a lack of humidity might be a problem, getting a dehumidifier can fix it. Dry air dries out your throat and can cause hoarseness. A humidifier will keep your air moist and reduce friction.
  2. Lift your head
    The best way to raise your head is to raise the head of your bed 2-4 inches. You won’t sleep well if you just put a pillow on it, and pressing your neck with a pillow can make your snoring worse.

By elevating your head, you can reduce the effect of gravity on your throat and tongue that can block your airway.

  1. Do not sleep on your back.
    Also, it’s like “lifting your head” as we just said, sleeping on your back and the gravity of your throat and tongue cells don’t align properly. When you lie on your back, your tongue falls back and your muscles collapse into your airway.

If you must sleep on your back, try the head-up position described above. To avoid sagging while you sleep, try keeping a tennis ball in the back pocket of your pajamas or sew a t-shirt pocket in the middle of the back. You might think this is a silly solution, but it works wonders at night if you don’t know what you’re doing.

  1. Things to do: Keep your house clean
    It doesn’t need much explanation and is easy for most people to say. Keep your house clean, especially your bedroom.

Dust and other allergens in your home accumulate over time and can clog your nose, causing you to sneeze. If you go to bed every night feeling like “I can’t breathe,” this may apply to you too.

  1. Avoid alcohol.
    You may think that alcohol helps you sleep, but it also makes you smile, which reduces your sleep quality. Alcohol relaxes your throat and tongue muscles more.

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